Three Key Differences Between Traditional and Crypto Asset Markets

What is the real market value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? The numbers used to explain the performance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are less meaningful than most assume. Cryptocurrencies are not exactly like stocks, and cryptocurrency exchanges do not work like traditional securities markets. As a result, many crypto-asset investment

By David Veksler, ago

Will Bitcoin burn the planet to ashes? Not so fast.

Environmentalists have recently become concerned about the impact Bitcoin mining has on global warming. Headlines such as “Bitcoin Will Burn the Planet Down. The Question: How Fast?” and “Bitcoin Mining Alone Could Raise Global Temperatures Above Critical Limit By 2033” suggest that Bitcoin is an unfolding environmental disaster. However, those panicking about crypto make three fundamental errors. First, they do not understand how Bitcoin works, second, they do not understand what mass adoption would look like, and third, they do not understand the problem Bitcoin is intended to solve.

By David Veksler, ago

What’s the deal with Tether?

Tether is a highly capitalized cryptoasset that is distinguished in the space by maintaining a dollar peg to the price of its asset. The growth of this asset has been incredible, as has been the speculation that it maintains too close a relationship with the exchange Bitfinex. It has even

By vellumcapital, ago


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