Stablecoins in an Unstable World

For those new to the cryptocurrency market, stablecoins represent one of the more difficult aspects to understand.  The reality of this point is further cemented when one has come into crypto because of Bitcoin or some other specific project or protocol that potentially serves as a universal ledger or universal unit of account.  While the technology and enthusiasm behind Non-Fungible Tokens has understandably garnered much of the attention in the latter half of 2021, it

By John Schroder, ago

Six Reasons Why Bitcoin Is Superior To Monetary Gold

Gold and Bitcoin are fungible, durable, portable, divisible, & scarce. Both have limited acceptance today: there are few goods & services you can buy directly with gold or bitcoin. But Bitcoin has six advantages over gold: 1: Bitcoin is far more portable than gold. You can send it anywhere in the world instantly for a trivial fee. 2: Bitcoin transactions can be instantly and remotely verified. It’s impossible to fake a Bitcoin transaction.  Verifying receipt of gold bullion is

By David Veksler, ago

How Fiat Money Corrupted Savings & Made Us All Market Speculators

Before the world switched to a fiat monetary system, people who wanted to build wealth kept their savings in a bank. Interest rates tended to equal the average rate of profit, which was enough for all but a small minority of professional investors and entrepreneurs. This all changed with the move to a fiat monetary system and the devaluation of money. Today, the majority of households own stocks — not because they wish to be

By David Veksler, ago

What is Crypto Really All About?

To the outsider, crypto enthusiasts largely look like a bunch of libertarian leaning, wanna be economists who appear to have a major axe to grind with the financial system as we’ve known it for the past 80 years or so.  While there is some truth to this broad brush approach at generalizing a very large group of people, crypto is still so new, that what it is today, and what it might be tomorrow is

By David Veksler, ago

Pick Your Horse: Gift or Trojan

You are undoubtedly familiar with the idea of a “Trojan Horse,” an idiom derived from the Trojan War of Homer’s Iliad.  A large, hollow, wooden horse is left behind by the Greeks after their supposed failure to take the city of Troy.  The Trojans take the horse back inside their city’s walls, and that night, Greek soldiers pour out of the horse to open the city gates and overtake the unprepared and unsuspecting Trojan foes.  

By David Veksler, ago

Correction vs Crash

Even casual crypto observers are aware of the dramatic downward price action across the crypto space over the past few weeks.  This price action has market participants weighing in with opinions regarding where the crypto market stands:  on the cusp of a short consolidation and follow-on breakout, or has the next cyclical crypto winter made an early appearance? Long-time crypto traders, analysts, and investors have seen dramatic price drops in the past, and so the

By John Schroder, ago

How Many Horses are in the Crypto Asset Race?

While Bitcoin is undoubtedly the most recognized crypto currency in the world, there are literally thousands of other cryptos in existence.  While we tend to call everything in the crypto space “cryptocurrencies”, this is misleading because the only thing these digital assets have in common is that they have issued tokens that power their own platforms. In the crypto space, there are four kinds of assets: Cryptocurrencies: coins such as Bitcoin are intended to compete

By John Schroder, ago

Bitcoin has already advanced global privacy and financial autonomy

If Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were to disappear tomorrow, what legacy would they leave behind? I can think of three main impacts: First, Bitcoin raised awareness of the flaws in fiat money, the superiority of sound money, and the potential of people to trade with each other without third-party intermediaries. Second, Bitcoin has provided a life raft to millions of people under regimes suffering hyperinflation (like Venezuela), confiscation (like India), or currency export controls (like

By David Veksler, ago

Vellum’s new Whitepaper: “Bitcoin’s Rise and the Coming Crypto Economy”

Bitcoin can seem like the merger of the Wild West and the Jetsons.  If you aren’t already an expert, keeping away might seem safer.  Fortunately, Vellum Capital prepared a whitepaper that makes sense of the cryptocurrency space without being technical or sensational. Get the complete whitepaper: “Speculation Becomes Consensus Bitcoins Rise And The Coming Crypto Economy“    

By David Veksler, ago

Will Bitcoin ever go to Zero?

In November of 2020, we posted an article that looked at whether Bitcoin was poised to push past the $20,000 barrier.  Entitled, “Will Bitcoin Go Over $20K to Reach a New ATH,” that article is worth exploring again several months later as we look to gain some perspective on where things now stand not just with Bitcoin, but in the broader crypto market. In that article, we proposed that Bitcoin’s value proposition is based on

By John Schroder, ago


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