Jeffrey Tucker Joins RMIT University Blockchain Innovation Hub as Research Affiliate

Jeffrey Tucker accepted a title of Research Affiliate for the RMIT University Blockchain Innovation Hub in Melbourne, Australia. RMIT University is known for applied leading-edge research that engages with business and technology. They are an interdisciplinary team of researchers in economics, political-economy, organizational theory, law, sociology, politics and communications. They work on cryptoeconomics, business strategy and adaptation to blockchain technologies, mapping the blockchain economy, and identifying the public policy challenges that will hold back or accelerate this economic revolution. View a

By , ago

Why cryptocurrencies are key to future-proofing your portfolio

Digital assets may be the most future-proof investment of our lifetime. Take Bitcoin. At 10 years old it continues to grow because it crosses more technology solutions and popular use cases than any previous attempt at digital currency. It’s positioned right in the middle of the largest trends of the 21st century: distributed platforms, AI, technological singularity, and efficiency disruption.  It is also a practical solution to real economic problems such as inflation. As a fund

By Eric Kovalak, ago

Jeffrey Tucker at the Brain Bar

The Brain Bar is central Europe’s leading festival of ideas and technology. This year, the event featured Jeffrey Tucker as the opening keynote to speak about cryptocurrent and blockchain technology and its meaning and future. Here is a video wrap up of the event.

By , ago

What’s the deal with Tether?

Tether is a highly capitalized cryptoasset that is distinguished in the space by maintaining a dollar peg to the price of its asset. The growth of this asset has been incredible, as has been the speculation that it maintains too close a relationship with the exchange Bitfinex. It has even been accused of manipulating prices to its own advantage. This latter claim is highly doubtful, and traces mainly to its record of trading to the

By vellumcapital, ago

Introduction to Bitcoin Custody Options

Storing Bitcoin should be simple. A Bitcoin wallet can be generated from a list of 12 or 24 pseudo-random words (the “mnemonic recovery phrase”).  With some wallets, the same words will generate a valid wallet for most existing cryptocurrencies. This word list can be written on paper and placed in a safe (known as “cold storage”), or simply memorized. No other equipment is needed to receive Bitcoin transactions. For an individual, the simplicity of recovering one’s

By David Veksler, ago

What Does It Mean To Own Bitcoin?

Understanding how Bitcoin ownership works requires understanding what it means to “own” a single Bitcoin address. At a practical level, Bitcoin ownership means the ability to send some amount of Bitcoin from one address to another or to cryptographically prove that one has that ability by “signing” a Bitcoin address.  At a technical level, ownership means the possession of the private key which is used to sign a Bitcoin transaction. A Bitcoin address is an

By David Veksler, ago

Money Is a Practical Art

If you read on the topic of money’s history from any mainstream textbook, you will already know the drill. In the past, money took many forms. It was shells, pelts, salt, and various metals. Finally we got paper money, credit institutions, then central banks. At this point, we are told, history was complete. The final and best form had arrived. The state would be in charge of money forever. All that was left was to

By , ago

Bitcoin Mining Is Costly, Just Like Gold Mining

The classic criticism against the gold standard is that it was too costly. Why are these guys wasting resources to suit up, dig into mountains, desperately seeking a finite resource, and slogging the results all the way to Treasury Department? This is all just silly. We know how to make money: you print it. It’s far cheaper to print than mine. A paper standard will save a tremendous amount of resources that can go to

By , ago

Three Stages of Ownership

I constantly get the question: why do we need this blockchain thing anyway? Here is why. Every society with a vibrant commercial life exalts private property as an institution. The entrenchment of this institution occurs in three stages. All three are essential. The first stage is to create private property itself. This is usually done out of the necessity of getting enough to eat. Contrary to every socialist claim, this doesn’t happen through magic or

By , ago


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